If we could predict the future accurately and consistently, many things would be done and achieved more easily and successfully! It will make things like successfully investing, buying investment properties, purchasing a home (at the best opportunity), evaluating job/career opportunities, and more easier! In the real world, however, there are many uncertainties, and these are often important and relevant to the overall performance and condition of the economy! With this in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine and review 6 specific, unknown, These are closely related to many components of our economy, among others.
1. Impact of huge deficits: Currently, the United States of America is experiencing the largest deficit in history! This started after the 2017 tax legislation, which created a deficit of about a trillion dollars! The need for more public assistance due to the humanitarian needs caused by the consequences and impacts of the terrible epidemic continues and gets bigger! The hypocrisy of many politicians, opposing and supporting deficit spending, selectively, when it seems to suit their personal/political agenda, has created a serious inconsistency in how we proceed, advance, and handle federal funds, etc.!
2. Inflation/recession, see: Typically, the Federal Reserve Bank, monetary policy, especially interest rates, etc., are largely based on perceptions/fear, etc. related to the potential dangers of inflation or recession.Traditionally, they have used policies that make the ease and cost of borrowing almost entirely reactive rather than take initiative! When they are worried about inflation, interest rates rise, and when they want to stimulate the economy, they relax these policies and lower interest rates! We are currently experiencing historically low interest rates! Is this a form of manipulation, or is it a calculated policy?
3. Interest rate uncertainty: How long will interest rates stay low? Is the policy based on sound strategy, or politics and/or manipulation? These numbers often determine many components of our economy, especially housing (mortgage rates, etc.), the impact on the stock market, etc. What are the potential impacts of these uncertain times?
4. Future Housing/Real Estate Market: For some time, the real estate market seller’s market, because the number of qualified buyers has been exceeded, the house is for sale! How long will this last? Pent-up demand due to the epidemic and other reasons, as well as historically low mortgage rates, have combined to cause a sharp increase in home prices! Will this continue, slowly, or reverse?
5. Future jobs/industries: Will we prepare for the future by encouraging job/vocational training driven by future needs? Wouldn’t it make sense to focus on training former coal workers and other sustainable industries (e.g. renewable energy, cybersecurity, etc.)?
6. Importance of climate, environment and public health: If our top priorities are not in areas such as climate, environment and public health-related industries, doesn’t that bode badly for the sustainability of our country and our planners? Don’t we owe at least this to future generations? Isn’t there a clear and present danger that when partisan politics and populism seem to motivate many public leaders, they procrastinate when they should be proactive?
Fortunately, or unfortunately, when politics becomes more important, very little consequence/meaning is accomplished. influencer, more important than wise strategies and actions! Would you ask for better, earlier or later?